Channel: Span That World » Even Laymember
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Nominations open for Althing


Althing is fast approaching. Motions and Musings are already being sent in.

We also need people to stand for roles. To stand all you need to do is be a DF with up to date Woodcraft Folk membership and fill in the form at the bottom of this page. You don’t have to come to Althing to stand, nor do you need any experience or cash. Any DF is welcome to stand.

Here’s a bit of information about all the roles. To find out more you can click on the page of the relevant role or talk to the person who currently has that role. If you get voted in you’ll have a month or so to get all the info you can from the old Rep and you get to come to Old/New, our changeover event.

International Affiliations

Responsible for all our overseas endeavors.

Changeover Pack 

Communications Rep

Committee Role, Two years

The comms rep is responsible for all DF Communications. Find out more by reading the Comms changeover pack.

Changeover Pack



Committee Role, Two Years

Keep minutes of all DF business and make sure we do it all right and don’t forget anything.


Affiliations Rep

Committee Role, Two years

You keep the DF Movement connected to other similar organisations, helping us work together for our shared goals.


Campaigns Rep

Committee Role, Two years

Each new Campaign comes with a new Campaigns rep. Your role will vary depending on what the campaign is. Campaigns rep manages the main campaign of the DF Movement and helps DFs with any other campaigning they’re interested in.

Campaigns Changeover Pack



Committe Role, Two years

Manager of MEST-UP. You make sure it all runs smoothly at events and elsewhere. Try to develop MEST-UP to reach even more people in more ways.

MEST-UP Rep Changeover Pack


Consideration for Chair of DF Committee

Chair of DF Committee isn’t elected by Althing. At Althing, whoever fancies standing for Chair of DF Committee needs to have the approval of Althing to be on Committee. They hust to the floor and anyone over RON will go one to be considered by the new DF Committee. As with all roles, if no one is able to fill them Committee is able to coopt someone.

If elected by DF Committee this is a Committee Role, one year.

Chair Changeover Pack



Committee Role, Two years

Laymembers sit on DF Committee but have no specific role. Their job is to help out with anything that doesn’t fit into another area and take on jobs that other DFs don’t have time for. They provide a unique perspective on what DFs should be doing, as they aren’t focused on any specific area.



Committee Role, One year

To stand for this role you must have treasuring training and experience with DF finances.


Shadow Treasurer

Committee Role, One year

Become trained in treasuring and gain experience with DF finances by shadowing the current treasurer.

Treasurer Changeover pack


Zine Editor

Other Role, One year

The role of Zine Editor is to manage the submissions, editing, and publication of the DF Zine. For every zine, submissions must be sent in by the movement (usually around a theme), compiled, edited, laid out, and published. The published copies are usually then sent out with the courier but can be sent out on their own if needs be. The zine editor has a budget to spend over the year, and can choose how many publications to make (3/4 is best). To allow for some time to create a first zine, it is best if editor of the previous year publishes one late summer/early autumn. A zine editor needs to be creative, and interested in both design and content, although needn’t be the one creating either. That being said, it is very useful to have a good understanding of how to use adobe indesign, or other design software, and be willing to write as well.

Check out the Zine here


Venturer Committee Liaison

Other Role, One year

The venturer committee liaison role is all about supporting Venturer Committee and acting as a link between them and the DF Movement. This means going to all Venturer Committee meetings, helping Venturer Committee get on with their actions, helping them get in touch with any members of DF Committee, being able to provide information about DFs, and keeping DFs/DF committee informed about what Venturer Committee is up to. It’s a great role, because Venturer Committee do really interesting stuff and achieve lots!


First Aid Rep

Other Role, One Year

Make sure all DF events have enough First Aiders. Arrange rotas for First Aiders on events. Organise training for more First Aiders. Keep a log of all serious incidents and make sure they are reported to the right people. Help event teams with parks of their Risk Assessments.


Workers Beer Rep

Must be over 18, Other Role, One year

Arrange the Workers beer places for that year. You get to guarantee yourself a place at your fave festival.



Other Role, One year

A fairly high level of technical skill is required for this role. The Webfairy is responsible for making sure spanthatworld.com and the Committee emails are working properly. They work closely with the Comms rep to make sure all DF online communication is running smoothly.


Fill in this form to Nominate someone/yourself

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